Celebrating Spring

By Victoria Fuller

This week is jam-packed with events that are incredibly on the nose for Cedar Planters, so we are going to briefly touch on all of them for this week’s blog post!

Firstly (and arguably most importantly) March 20th marked the first day of Spring!

Although it may not be as warm and sunny as traditional memories of Spring would lead us to expect, there is no arguing that the snow seems to be finally making way for greener pastures!

According to a poll conducted by Morning Consult Spring actually ranks as the THIRD most popular season, which although this initially seems surprising when you consider the overwhelming popularity of Autumn and Summer it does make sense that the season devoted to rebirth and blooming would take a bit of a back seat. However, we here at Cedar Planters are firm Spring stans! An entire season dedicated to growing, blooming, and thriving has got all of us here in the best mood and we can’t wait to get outside and start finally feeling the sun on our faces and the breeze in our hair!

Spring may not have the glamour of Summer or the cosiness of Fall, but what Spring lacks in its crowd-appeal it makes up for with its curb-appeal! The trees are in bud and we can finally start deciding what to plant in our planter boxes! Which of the following teams are you going to be representing this Spring?


Growing your own vegetables could not be easier than with a Cedar Planters raised planter box, our boxes are already lined, have drainage holes, and are raised to the perfect level so you won’t have to strain your back during that oh-so-satisfying harvest phase!


Our planter boxes are beautiful enough on their own, but throw some beautiful cascading blooms into the mix and your outdoor space will be instagram-worthy in approximately 8 seconds flat!


Whoever said that our planter boxes were only for the traditional gardening months? There’s nothing stopping you from growing some evergreen shrubs (such as the resilient and mighty boxwood!) to brighten up your outdoor space all year round!

The next exciting day on this week’s calendar is March 21st: The International Day of Forests.

How lovely is it that sustainability and ethical forestry has its own day of celebration and acknowledgement? The United Nations General Assembly founded this all important day 10 years ago, and its primary goal is to remind people that deforestation is still a massive problem today. With the amount of trees being cut down every year contributing to a plethora of other issues (carbon emissions, for one) we are trying to do all that we can to make positive choices and have positive outcomes.

At Cedar Planters all of our products are made with sustainably and responsibly sourced Western Red Cedar, not only are our products durable and long-lasting but they also happen to be fully-recyclable (Not that you’ll ever be planning on getting rid of your planter! We take pride in classifying ourselves as a “one-time purchase” item meaning that between the Western Red Cedar panels and the powder-coated steel legs there is no reason that with adequate care these products cannot last more than thirty years). Overall, we are proud of all of the steps that we have taken to contribute to sustainable forestry, but here are some tips on how we can all help today and every single day:

  • Recycle whenever possible
  • Support companies who are actively campaigning to support the sustainable forestry industry
  • Switch to virtual methods of record-keeping instead of using paper
  • Try to invest in good-quality products that will last a long time instead of having to constantly replace items made from sub-par quality components
  • Do some research! There are so many incredible companies and charities who have dedicated their livelihood to helping the forests all over the world!

Rounding out this incredibly green and environmentally aware week is Earth Hour on March 25th at 8:30PM!

For just one hour we are encouraged to turn off all unnecessary electronic devices as a symbol of our commitment to helping save Mother Earth from…well us, basically. The concept behind earth hour is that if we all spent just 1 hour focusing on doing something (literally anything) positive for the Earth then collaboratively we could make an absolutely massive difference.

What if instead of watching *another* episode of a mindless television show we went for a walk in nature and tried to count as many different breeds of bird as we could see? Or what if instead of mindlessly scrolling on TikTok for an hour we had a conversation with a friend or family member about all of the things we were planning on planting this Spring?

It’s really up to us, there won’t be any consequences to not turning off your lights for that one particular hour, but the symbolism of this day and event is something that we feel we could all take so much away from. Imagine how much more satisfying our days would feel if we substituted even one hour a day for something that will give back to this planet that we call home.